The Place To Be In Troubled Times by @ShawnPGreene @bolbuffalo


If you saw the movie “God’s Not Dead” you might have caught a line towards the end when a band member of the Christian Rock Group “Newsboys” was bringing a word of wisdom to someone in the film and another band mate stated after his speech “And He’s Just The Drummer!” That made me laugh because it related to me, since I am “Just The Drummer” at my church. I am thankful for getting the opportunity to teach God’s Word as it is very fulfilling to me. It also forces me to study and know my stuff. My most recent message delivered on October 08, 2014 was entitled “The Place To Be In Troubled Times“.

Vladimir Putin

I was given about 3 weeks notice to teach. I really didn’t know in full what to speak on. As I just watch and listen to the messages around me, I saw some things that needed to be said, but didn’t know quit how to make sense of it all. I prayed and asked God what He wanted to say. All I knew the day of the message was that it was focused on bringing encouragement to those that were feeling anxious and uncertain about what is happening in the world around them. All the headlines this summer were screaming: Putin Invades Ukraine! ISIS Kills Christians! Ebola Threatens West Africa! These are the times we are living in in 2014.


It was a typical Wednesday Night at The Bread of Life Church. Most of the Church Staff and Elders were on vacations or preoccupied ministering to the Pioneer Club [a children’s program]. Only Pastor Dom and Lucy where there to be a witness the work in progress known as myself, attempting to avoid saying “um” and “you know” throughout my teaching. The message was longer than I had planned to deliver it, but I felt God wanted me to take my time and get the point across that God is our strength no matter what is going on around us.


It was a topic I feel was relevant to today’s issues and yet had eternal significance. Our Pastoral staff and teachers had been building a common thread in their messages that there are troubled times we live in and are still ahead of us. Other teachers and leaders were coming up with Psalm 91:1 in their conversations and lessons. I felt it was a great blend of topics giving a problem and a solution. During worship Eileen Smith sang “Better Is One Day” written by Mattt Redman, and referenced Psalm 84:10. I knew then I was on the right track of what God wanted to say that night.


The introduction of the message was more of a current events recap of the “BLOOD MOON” that had occurred earlier that morning. The message ties in the lunar eclipse to recent events that has caused terror and fear among many, and bridges the place of fear to a place of security. I hope this message enlightens and encourages you.

 “The Place To Be In Troubled Times” by Shawn Greene at Bread Of Life Church –  


Here are some songs you can listen to in YOUR SECRET PLACE

[Gospel] Karen Clark Sheard – Secret Place 

[Southern Gospel] The Booth Brothers – The Secret Place

[Worship] Ron Hamilton – Secret Place

[Contemporary Worship] Andy Park – In The Secret

[Worship] City Harvest Church – Secret Place

[Hip Hop] B.Moses – Secret Place

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